• The Caldera: a sleek split and wireless keyboard

    July 20, 2024

    I designed my own keyboard and it’s freely available! I’m calling it the Caldera, and it’s basically my dream wireless split keyboard.

    I’ve been using it for months, and I love it.

    Video overview

    If you’re a visual person, I made a fun little video showcasing the creation process as well as an overview of the keyboard. It serves as a nice tutorial too if you’re even vaguely interested in building your own custom keyboard. I’ve been wanting to make some more videos going forward, and this was a fun way to get into it! If you’d like some more videos on things I’m planning to create, subscribe to my YouTube channel!

    Why and how?

    I love split keyboards, they’re so nice on your wrists when you type all day and have helped my wrist pain immensely, but none of the existing keyboards were quite what I wanted. They were either wired, had key layouts I didn’t vibe with, or were too “techy” looking. I wanted a layout with all the right keys, a sleek design, and fully wireless with long battery life.

    Of course there’s many resources for “building your own keyboard”, but they’re normally just an assembly kit for someone else’s keyboard, letting you change the switches or key caps. I wanted something fully custom, with the keys positioned exactly where I wanted them, and a clean design to boot. That means it needs a custom PCB.

    I learned about a cool piece of free, open source software called Ergogen that helps you to build your own completely custom keyboard and I got to work learning it. The process was surprisingly easy, and the video above goes into how to use it from a beginner’s perspective. The video also touches on KiCad, which Ergogen hands off the PCB to, and Fusion 360 which I use to design the case. Then you just have to flash some simple firmware on it from ZMK where you just tell it about your keyboard.


    Everything that I built for this keyboard is available open source on GitHub, from the Ergogen files, to the PCB files, to the 3D printable case files, to the ZMK firmware files. It’s all honestly pretty easy! The 3D printable files specifically can be found here.

    If you want this keyboard for yourself, simply take the PCB files (the .zip gerber files on GitHub) and upload them to a PCB manufacturer (like JLCPCB or PCBWay, not sponsored by either), the PCBs will arrive, then it just requires a very beginner level amount of soldering (great first project honestly), some 3D printable cases, some standard keyboard supplies like keys and a controller, and then you just have to flash the firmware and you’ll have a functioning Caldera keyboard, or a basis for you to build your own completely custom keyboard! (It doesn’t have to be a split keyboard either!)


    Here are all the supplies needed for this project. It seems like a fair bit, but many are just great to have things that you can also use for other projects if you don’t have them already, and the rest are cheap just to grab for this project. None of these are affiliate links.

    General tools

    • Pinecil soldering iron
    • Bambu Lab P1S printer (can likely also have a friend or local business 3D print the case for you!)
    • Filament (I used Bambu’s white marble PLA)
    • Kotto fume extractor (optional but highly suggested, please don’t breathe in solder fumes!)
    • Solder (I use 0.6mm and recommend lead-free for health and environmental reasons)
    • Tweezers (idk pick some up at a pharmacy if you don’t have any weirdo)

    Keyboard specific things

    I get most of these from Typeractive (except the PCB), makes one order easy, and has free shipping (not sponsored).

    • PCBs (see above)
    • Choc low profile key switches of your choice (I like Choc Pro Reds personally, Typeractive has them)
    • nice!nano controller x2 (Typeractive)
    • Controller hot swap sockets (Typeractive)
    • PS3 controller replacement battery (Amazon)
    • Battery input jack (Typeractive)
    • Diodes (Typeractive)
    • Reset button (Typeractive)
    • Kailh Choc hot swap sockets (Typeractive)
    • Key caps (I like Choc MBK key caps, which Typeractive has)
    • Battery power switch (Typeractive)
    • 10x M2x3 screws, and 5x M2x4 standoffs for assembling each side of the case (so 20 screws and 10 standoffs in total) (I’d just grab a small kit on Amazon)
    • (Optional) 6mm (0.24") diameter x 2mm (0.08") height rubber feet for the bottom of the case

    Totalling up the cost of the project, I’d estimate you could put this keyboard together for under $200 (talking about consumables, not including tools that you may or may not already have).

    The Caldera keyboard on a kitchen island with bananas around it and a LEGO figurine of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn


    If you build the keyboard or have feedback on my video about building it, I’d love to know! Hit me up on Twitter/X, Mastodon, or Threads! It was a really fun process to learn and was a lot easier than I ever imagined it to be, so I’d definitely encourage you to go out and try if there’s a keyboard you wish existed!

  • Announcing Juno 2.0

    June 27, 2024

    A Bento-style promotional image for Juno 2.0, a YouTube app for visionOS, highlighting its new features. The features include 360° and 180° video with 6K Metal upscaling, improved voice search, end card selection, faster performance, better video compatibility, new UI, streams and live videos, Siri control, watch history sync, playlists, smart window resizing, remember settings, and bug fixes

    Juno is an app I built for watching YouTube on the Apple Vision Pro, and it’s been such a fun project to build. It’s also been so great hearing how other people have been enjoying Juno since its launch, as well as providing awesome feedback and input to improve it.

    Today I’m releasing Juno 2.0, which incorporates a ton of that community feedback, and truly brings the app to the next level through extensive improvements and new features. Using it over the last little while I have had so many moments where I catch myself smiling. Browsing and watching YouTube on visionOS through Juno is honestly just so fun, immersive, and downright futuristic, and I genuinely think the best way to watch your favorite videos.

    You can download Juno for YouTube 2.0 for just a fiver (and it’s a free update for existing customers), and unlock an amazing visionOS experience for YouTube.

    I think this version really lives up to the 2.0 moniker, so let’s get into all the improvements!

    Immersive 360 and 180 degree video (with a Metal twist!)

    A woman with an Apple Vision Pro on staring out at a savannah with a lion

    You can now watch (what I would imagine to be) the internet’s largest source of 360° and 180° immersive video with Juno. Simply tap on the video from YouTube, and Juno will offers to open it in an immersive space, where the video will fully surround you as you watch it. You can soar through volcanoes, experience tours of incredible foreign lands, dive underwater, skydive, pretty much whatever you can imagine, it’s probably out there and now watchable in Juno for visionOS.

    The twist is, Juno even takes this a step further, and leverages Apple’s Metal engine to perform advanced AI upscaling and take the existing limitation of 4K video, and upscale it to 6K. This is the same technology that games like No Man’s Sky and Resident Evil Village have recently used to unlock incredible performance on Apple silicon, and with Juno it makes video feel even sharper and more realistic, with over twice the pixels versus 4K.

    From a technical perspective, this was a TON of work. As mentioned in previous blog posts, Juno leverages the YouTube website, as Google/YouTube do not give an (official) way to access video feeds directly (as doing so would allow you to circumvent ads and make them angry).

    With just the website, and no direct access to the video, creating an immersive experience is incredibly challenging, but using Metal and impressive GPU on the Vision Pro, Juno essentially takes a series of rapid snapshots of the web browser and stitches them together in a video feed, running each frame through Apple’s MetalFX machine learning upscaling engine, and then projecting that frame onto a sphere that surrounds the user.

    The result is truly incredible and I’ve seen some really mind-blowing videos. To quote a recent email I got from TestFlight, “I don’t know how you did it, this is ****ing incredible”.

    It’s not perfect (it’s capped at 30 fps, which is the normal frame rate for VR videos on YouTube), and there’s bound to be some bugs (please report!). Metal AI upscaling also does not work with all videos (it can introduce some lag for some very “busy” videos), so you can turn it on or off at will in the player.

    As mentioned in the last post, Apple’s M2 chip does not have a hardware decoder for the AV1 video codec that YouTube uses for 8K videos so it’s highly likely true 8K YouTube videos will be a ways away for the Vision Pro, and Juno bridges this gap nicely by offering all content in smart-upscaled 6K (which also covers the vast majority of immersive videos that don’t even have an 8K version uploaded).

    I do want to take a chance to massively thank everyone who has answered questions on social media or Discord about Metal, RealityKit, and more, without you this never would have been possible. I want to say an extra big thanks to Khaos Tian, Arthur Schiller, and Finn Voorhees, who I truly talked the ears off of, and as a result there’s a findable easter egg in Juno now where the immersive theater is named the KSV Immersive Theater.

    New UI

    Juno's new UI with native navigation bar, tab bar, and search bar floating in a hotel room

    I really wanted to have an app for watching YouTube on visionOS available on the platform for day one, and I put a lot of hours into making that happen. I was admittedly a bit up against the clock however, so I’m glad with this update I was able to take some extra time to really go over the UI with a fine-toothed comb and make some nice improvements, and now Juno feels even more like a beautiful, native visionOS app (even if it’s basically just a very complex browser extension).

    With 2.0 Juno now enjoys a beautiful new tab bar, which loads content much faster and keeps them in memory. There’s also a new, beautiful navigation bar with a progressive blur to the content behind it, with a native search bar that allows you to just look at the microphone and talk to quickly search YouTube. It feels awesome, and is in many ways what I always wanted Juno to be from the outset.

    New video engine: better video compatibility, and watch history!

    Juno 1.0 leveraged Apollo’s code that used the YouTube embed player to play back content. This allowed me to ship quickly, but at the same time had issues such as some video creators disabling playback in the embed player (which would cause Juno to fallback to the website), and other ramifications like not marking that you watched that video in your history.

    Juno 2.0 now just uses the website as its video component, as it does with the rest of the app. With that, more videos are able to play back, videos are correctly added to your watch history, and also just greatly simplifies Juno, as Juno is now simply loading the YouTube video URL as a web browser would, and just applying custom CSS and interacting with it through JavaScript to make it feel at home on visionOS.

    (And yes, if you’re curious, Juno still does not block ads for reasons of not angering Google, but as it’s just using the website if you have YouTube Premium you will not see any ads in Juno.)

    Back button

    Yeah, this gets its own category, because it was surprisingly really, really hard! Back in 2004 when both the world and websites were much simpler, you would click a link on a website, and the browser would load a new webpage. Now we got all fancy with JavaScript and whatnot, and websites like YouTube (for good reason, it makes things feel faster), instead of loading a whole new webpage each click, normally just swap out the contents of the current website with JavaScript, and then update the URL to indicate the change.

    Cool! That’s great! I’m so happy for you! But that makes a back button a lot more annoying, because now web browsers get confused a lot when you hit back (you didn’t really change a page), and often the browser will update the URL but the page contents will stay the same, and you’re just staring at your screen confused. Twitter, Threads and Mastodon have told me I’m not imagining things and that does happen a lot to other folks.

    So Juno has a back button, but also sprinkles some special YouTube magic sauce (do you sprinkle sauce? maybe flakes) where it attempts to detect the web browser being confused, by checking if the HTML of the current webpage is a reasonable match for the current URL. If they don’t match, it means the web browser got confused and just updated the URL without updating the actual page contents, and Juno does a full refresh of the webpage which forces the web browser to refetch the proper contents for the current URL. The system doesn’t have to step in that often (maybe 10% of the time), but when it does, it’s very helpful and I could not ship a half–working back button.

    Playlist support

    I suppose “playlist support” covers two new features! The first, is that if you select a video from a playlist, for instance a video series a YouTuber made, it will automatically play the next video in the series upon each video ending.

    The second aspect would be the new playlists page, rather than just a text menu like in Juno 1.0, you now get access to the full YouTube website playlist view, with rich thumbnails!

    Better window resizing

    Juno’s always been a pretty smart cookie about window sizing, and automatically adapts the window to the aspect ratio of the video so you don’t get any black bars. But with this update, Juno will also properly manage the size of the window. So if you want to make your window even bigger, Juno will remember that approximate size and adapt the aspect ratio accordingly, so you can keep your ideal video watching experience perfectly intact across a variety of videos.

    Juno remembers

    A video about blueberry pie in Juno with the playback speed controls visible

    Now Juno is much better at remembering your settings between subsequent video watches. In addition to the window sizing mentioned above, Juno will remember features like captions, playback rate, and more.

    Select end cards/auto-play

    There are two kinds of YouTube users, those who leave “auto-play” enabled (so YouTube will just play the next recommended video automatically after you finish your current one), and folks who have that turned off (YouTube will show a grid of video recommendations to watch next). Juno loves everyone and now supports both of those, so if you have it enabled on the website, Juno will auto-play the next video automatically with its countdown, and if you have that disabled, you can pick from YouTube’s recommended next videos.

    Siri integration

    This is a really handy one and was very highly requested (for good reason). Now you can just say “Siri, pause”, “Siri, playback speed 2 times”, “Siri jump to 5 minutes and 30 seconds”, etc. and Juno will listen accordingly so you don’t even have to pick up a finger!


    If you select a video on the website that’s linked to a specific time (say, 2 minutes and 28 seconds), Juno will incorporate that instead of just playing from the beginning. Same if you drag and drop a YouTube link onto Juno from a friend. On the flip side, if you share a YouTube URL from Juno, it will now embed the current time into the URL so your friend (or enemy? idk) that receives the link doesn’t have to guess what part of the video you were talking about (or worse, manually scrub to it).

    Options menu integration

    You can now properly interact with the YouTube options menus (those vertical ••• menus, for the unaware), so if you want to add a video to a playlist, remove something from your watch history, or anything like that, you’re now easily able to!

    Open in Safari

    The Share menu for a video (in addition to fixing a potential crash that could occur), now allows you to quickly open a YouTube video in Safari if you so choose, which can be a great way to access features of YouTube that Juno might not offer, like reading comments, for instance.

    Bug fixes

    Lots of little bug fixes across the board that should make everything operate even smoother. Captions should work more reliably (and tell you in cases where they’re unavailable), drag and drop as well as sharing should no longer crash in weird cases, the double-tap to go forward/back 10 seconds should be faster, seeking should be smoother, among many others!

    Misc: disabling spatial audio

    A common request has been to be able to disable spatial audio (right now visionOS makes Juno’s audio feel like it’s coming from the window itself, so if it’s beside you, the audio will feel beside you). Some folks don’t love this and wish it just sounded like normal audio. Unfortunately Apple doesn’t expose an API to control this for web views, BUT iOS does have a kinda hidden way to override it. If you bring up the system Control Center and long-press the volume slider, you can disable it there. So that’s a good solution if you’re looking for a way!

    Lastly: answering Google/YouTube’s issues with Juno

    I’ve said from the initial launch, Juno is built as a web-wrapper for YouTube, akin to a browser extension, and purposefully built with full respect for the YouTube website and experience, and as a result does not block ads in any capacity, nor does it introduce extra functionality like downloading videos offline that could facilitate that. Further, Juno doesn’t even use any YouTube APIs, as it has no need to: it just wraps the website, and uses CSS and JavaScript to style the website and functionality more in line with visionOS. This is in contrast to other third-party tools that for instance scrape the YouTube website for applicable video URLs and use those directly, or those that integrate ad-blocking functionality.

    An email from YouTube Legal about Juno, the contents of which are linked below.

    In April, YouTube announced it would be cracking down specifically on ad-blocking third-party apps, and weirdly, Juno got an email at the end of April from YouTube Legal that voiced some concerns. You can view the full contents of their email here: https://christianselig.com/juno-youtube-email-april-26-24.txt

    The short of it is that, while no issues with ad-blocking were presented, they did take issue with a few areas, firstly that Juno is in violation of the YouTube API Terms of Service, and secondly that Juno alludes to YouTube trademarks and iconography. Both of these issues were very puzzling.

    For the first issue, as I mentioned, Juno makes no use of the YouTube API so it’s unclear to me how it could be in violation of it. Juno operates in much the same way a browser extension would through CSS and JavaScript. Google’s own Chrome both has native support for browser extensions, and even has native features that customize the styling and experience of webpages. They also mentioned they did not like that Juno uses the embed player, despite Google themselves having a library showing this as the preferred way to integrate YouTube videos into apps.

    Secondly, for iconography and trademarks, I can only assume YouTube is referring to the YouTube logo present on the YouTube.com homepage that Juno loads. Obviously, as I’m just loading a website, I am not putting that there. For the name, “Juno for YouTube”, YouTube has branding guidelines that specifically permit this: “For example, you cannot call your application “YouTube for Kids” or “YouTube Education”. However, you may reference the fact that your app is for YouTube or works with YouTube by stating that it is a “great app for YouTube” or using other similar language”.

    Like I said, from the get-go I’ve wanted be just a well-behaved visionOS wrapper for the website, so in the interest of making YouTube happy, back in April I responded to Google that as Juno does not use any YouTube APIs, I do not see how it could be violating them, however I would be putting an update out to attempt to address concerns. This is that update, and I switched from the embed player to just using styling the website player, I manually removed the YouTube logo from the homepage, and I added “Unofficial” to the subtitle and description of Juno on the App Store.

    Now that this update is out, hopefully this appeases Google, as they have also (as of a few days ago) filed a complaint with the App Store directly. I’ll obviously push back, as I believe Juno is just getting caught up in the crosshairs of Google’s targetting of apps that do have ad-blocking, and an app that fundamentally themes a website is nothing new, novel, or insidious.

    But, if you’re hoping for a bunch of drama to spin out of this (akin to last year with Reddit), I’m sorry to say I’m not looking to go down that route again. Juno has been a ton of fun to build, a ton of fun to use, and in my opinion a great benefit to both the Vision Pro platform as well as YouTube users, but it’s fundamentally a fun hobby project for me, and if it comes down to fighting a drawn out battle against a giant like Google again… well, that no longer sounds like fun and I’ll happily let Google win, haha. Worst case scenario I’ve had a ton of fun building this, and I got to get my feet wet with visionOS, so it’s all good!

    That being said, if Juno does disappear from sale from the App Store, I don’t see any reason to believe that it will cease to work for existing users as it just operates on the website, unless YouTube/Google dramatically rework the website. Again, this wouldn’t seem beneficial to them as Juno is just the website and shows all ads and whatnot. Also this is genuinely not a coy way of saying to get the app before it goes away, it may cease to work and I wouldn’t want anyone buying it going into it with a false belief that it will work forever. But if I had to guess it will work.

    Thank you! ❤️

    I really hope you enjoy the Juno 2.0 update, I had a lot of fun building it and I’d love to know what you think. If you haven’t checked out Juno yet, you can download it here (if you think you’re going to forget, you can also purchase it from your iPhone or iPad). And if you have checked out Juno, you’re awesome, no doubt very well-read, have incredible taste, and I thank you!

  • Choosing a travel pack is hard

    April 28, 2024

    An assorted group of 10 different black travel backpacks, two rows with 5 columns each.

    I love the “carry-on only” traveling style, it’s cheaper and you don’t have to worry about airlines losing your stuff. Outside of requiring a bit more planning, what’s not to love?

    Turns out this is a beloved product category with a passionate community behind it, and as a result a lot of manufacturers are making really awesome bags. As a result you see different bags with different strategies, and start to develop a taste for what you want.

    These bags are all incredible, but none are a perfect fit for me. I had the flu a few weeks ago and was writing down my thoughts on bags for an easy reference (I kept rediscovering the same bags every few months), but I thought I’d make it into a little blog post in case it was helpful to someone else bag searching. I’ll basically list a popular bag, and my thoughts on it.

    What I want

    Quick precursor to anyone yet bit by the backpack bug: there’s basically 3 categories of bags. The first, day bags, are normally between 10-20L and intended as a smaller bag to carry a few things at your destination. Every day carry bags (EDC) are normally 20-25L, a bit bigger, and for a short weekend trip, or just a good, general purpose bag that carries a decent amount but isn’t too bulky. The last category is a proper travel backpack, normally 30-45L, whose goal is to hold all your stuff for a decent length trip, while still being small enough to fit the carry-on dimensions for most airlines. 40L is ideal for me, 35L is a bit on the smaller side, and 45L gets me scared with certain airlines.

    I’m looking for that last category, a travel backpack, with specific goals:

    • Not a roller bag, too heavy, less flexible, and those with roller bags are often the first airline employees target when they need to start checking bags. I want a backpack
    • Not too heavy, ideally 2.5 lb - 3.5 lb (1.1 kg to 1.6 kg) for just the bag. I find beyond this the bag itself starts to have some heft, and it feels largely unnecessary when there’s super well-made bags in that “Goldilocks zone”. My scale is kinda: > 4 lb: why, > 3.5 lb: okay, > 3 lb: good, > 2 lb: dang!, < 2 lb: how. Essentially: my bag with nothing in it should not weigh more than my MacBook Pro.
    • External water bottle holder. Really don’t get why some manufacturers started putting them inside the bag. At worst it leaks a bit on your expensive stuff, at best it’s much more inconvenient to get at when walking around the airport and takes up space in the interior of your bag
    • Good laptop storage, with a slot for an iPad too. Not a big fan of laptop storage on the side, when you’re trying to grab your laptop in close quarters and just have the bag between your legs, having to rotate the bag versus just yanking it out from the top is less ideal
    • Not a zillion compartments. Some love this, which is totally cool obviously, but I like using packing cubes and a tech pouch, so I’d rather just have one massive vacuous main compartment rather than having a bunch of mini-compartments that take up space and add weight that I won’t use
    • A space to put a small day bag. I love travelling with a good sized travel pack, but having a day bag inside it so when I get to the destination I can leave the hefty bag at the hotel/Airbnb and just carry a light bag. I use the Aer Go Pack 2 for this, which isn’t as packable as some daypacks because I still want something with some laptop padding, so I need an area to slide this in, which is normally pretty easy
    • Stowable backpack straps. Sometimes you’re just throwing it in the back of a car and driving somewhere, and being able to hide the backpack straps to make it just a sleek little grab bag is super handy
    • Compression straps on the outside to cinch it down a bit if needed
    • 35L to 40L capacity, I find below that and it’s too small for a decent length trip, and above that you start to get into issues with some airlines deeming it too big a carry-on
    • Quality back harness system. Be it trekking between two far apart terminals, or a long walk to your hotel at the destination, having the bag be super comfy on your back, with padded straps, a sternum belt, and a hip belt, and ideally load lifters to position the bag on your back, is super awesome
    • Zip-open suitcase/clamshell opening style. It has to be able to open fully versus a normal backpack that just zips down partway, otherwise it’s a pain to get at anything at the bottom of the bag. Bonus points if it opens horizontally versus vertically which I find just a bit nicer, but not a deal-breaker

    What are liters even

    One quick note before we start, is that bags are measured in liters (a measurement of volume), but how manufacturers measure their volume is all over the place. Some measure how much the interior will hold, some measure how much space the bag itself takes up, some seem a little disingenuous period. It’s all very hard to tell just based on the listed capacity of the bag.

    Shout out to OneBagTravels, far and away my favorite YouTube bag reviewer because he actually stuffs the bags with packing peanuts and measures the resulting capacity rather than just repeating manufacturer claims. I wish every reviewer did this.


    Okay, here are a bunch of the bags I’ve encountered, and my notes on why I love them and why I don’t. Again, this is not saying any of these bags are bad, one or more might fit you perfectly, but for my priorities personally they’re all missing something.

    I’m putting a ⭐️ beside the ones that I personally like a fair bit, and ✨ for ones I like a bit less but that I think with some modifications from the manufacturer could be awesome, in no particular order. Also note that the vast majority of these I haven’t tried, I’m just trying to summarize other reviews and their specs.

    ⭐️ Osprey Farpoint

    This has been my go-to bag for the better part of a decade, and it’s gone all over the globe with me. I like it a fair bit, but I don’t love it.


    • 40L and holds a ton
    • Light (my bag weighs 1.32 kg or 2.9 lb)
    • Despite being light and trekking around the globe with me for ages still almost looks new, so I can safely say this bag is very well made
    • Super comfortable, robust harness system that you can zip up to completely hide


    • The laptop compartment is at the front of the bag, as opposed to close to your back, so the weight balance of the bag isn’t great, and it can be hard to put the laptop in (this has been fixed in a more recent bag revision, though)
    • The water bottle holders are just… bad, in that they’re both at the front (hard to access when wearing the bag), and hold water bottles so poorly that the bottles almost jump out of the bag
    • There’s also a lot of dangly clips and straps everywhere
    • I wish you could hide the hip belt separately since I only use it once in awhile, but you either have to hide all the backpack strap area, or leave it all open
    • It only zips open like 90% of the way so packing things into the bottom is a bit awkward
    • The shape when fully packed out is kinda weird and bulges from the center out, kinda looking like a potato chip at the top, would prefer something a bit more boxy

    Aer Travel Pack 3

    I love Aer bags, so I bought this with high hopes but ultimately returned it.


    • I love how it looks
    • Sidewalls are slightly less floppy than my Osprey Farpoint so easier to pack into
    • Very comfortable harness system (though lacks a hip belt)
    • Straps are well thought out so it doesn’t dangle a bunch
    • Zippers feel super premium
    • Nice, functional boxy shape
    • Love the front slash pocket for something like a light rain jacket


    • It’s really heavy, at 4.1 lb it’s 40% heavier than my Osprey Farpoint and you can really tell. It feels like the difference between a MacBook Air and a MacBook Pro, except it holds less than the Osprey which is already incredibly made so it kinda just feels… over-engineered?
    • It doesn’t feel like it holds that much, especially compared to the Osprey. On the pack it says a 5L difference but it feels closer to 10L
    • The water bottle holder is almost criminally bad, it’s on the side at least, but does not do a good job of holding literally any water bottle I own, it falls out super easily. My other two Aer bags, a Go Pack 2 and a Pro Pack 20L, both have infinitely better water bottle holders despite being half the size, I’m so confused
    • Definitely a neutral for some, but I don’t like the admin/tech compartment. Like I mentioned, I use a tech pouch anyway (so I can easily transfer things to my day bag) and this cuts into the available storage area while also adding a decent amount of weight (it’s a hefty tech compartment, my attempts to measure it with a kitchen scale put it at about 0.4 lb alone). Also losing the admin compartment means less zippers on the outside, which makes it easier to know what to open to get to all your stuff.
    • Can’t hide the backpack straps at all
    • Minor one, but the top grab handle is in the middle of the pack, versus closer to one edge, which means if you try to hang it on a hook at a bathroom stall at an airport or something it’s really hard, versus bags like Ospreys that put it closer to one edge so a hook can still reach it
    • The laptop compartment almost feels too padded to the extent that it’s bulky. I only bring this up because the bag is already heavier than most, and this feels like an area where they unnecessarily added weight. All my other bags protect my laptop beautifully with much less bulk, though probably Aer’s alone could survive an actual fall out of a plane
    • Inside isn’t super visible, it’s like a dark grey, wish it was more of a light grey like the Aer Pro Pack 20L so you’d get increased contrast against your belongings. The darker it is inside the more it’s like an abyssal void

    I’d love to see Aer do what Tortuga did (see below) and release a “Lite” version that cuts a ton of weight off. We’re kinda due for a Travel Pack 4, so maybe?

    Evergoods Civic Travel Bag 35

    Great, but heavy (4 lb), and can’t stow backpack straps. Love that it just has one, vacuous main compartment though. Very expensive. Props for having a water bottle holder, but minus props for only having a side laptop compartment (and it’s weirdly big), especially for the weight I wish it was a proper, full-zip compartment. Love the look, and love how when packed out it still has a nice shape.

    ⭐️ Minaal Carry-On 3.0 Bag

    This is one of my favorites. Only weighs 3.1 lb, no tech compartment, has a pretty sleek look, and one big main compartment for item storage. I also love how the laptop compartment opens all the way, I think all bags should do this, that means I can easily stash my day bag in there flattened down. Stowable backpack straps too.

    On the bad side the water bottle holder looks as bad as Aer’s, it’s very expensive, the inside is black so it’s like a void, and the storage system seems weird. Like, instead of the part closer to your body holding the clothes, it flops open and the floppy part holds the clothes, and it looks quite floppy. Also it looks like the main compartment has packing cube style zippers built into it which take up volume, and again I’d rather just use my own.

    I feel like this bag is a small revision away from being perfect. Again we’re due for a Carry-On 4.0 revision, so maybe? I would rank this number 4 currently.

    Away Outdoor Convertible Backpack

    Pretty good! 45L and 3.3 lb is impressive, wish it was maybe a tad smaller though. Love the nice big bucket to throw everything into, and love that it opens horizontally. No water bottle holder means straight to jail though. Also the harness system seems a little lacking (no load lifters, no hip belt), and I’m not a big fan of side laptop compartments, and this one doesn’t even have an iPad slot in the compartment.

    Ablecarry Max

    30L is kind of awkward, a large bag for daily use but a bit small for traveling. Love the design visually though. No external water bottle holder.

    Tortuga Backpack Pro

    Too heavy (4.5 lb!!), not personally a big fan of having a separate tech compartment, price is kinda bonkers. Lacks stowable backpack straps.

    ⭐️ Tortuga Backpack Lite

    Love this one a lot, in my top three. 1lb less weight than the Pro version. Downside is no iPad compartment, which is unfortunate because even just a small piece of fabric separation would have been nice, but they did ditch the admin compartment which is nice. Would have been great if they made the laptop compartment zip all the way open like the Minaal so you could shove a day bag in there easily too. I also wish they would also ditch the dividers in the main compartment which take up space and require you to organize your things within them, rather than just using packing cubes which I’d prefer. Yay you can hide backpack straps, and looks like it has an awesome water bottle holder. Have to knock down a point for being incredibly hard to acquire in Canada for some reason. Looks like a nice functional boxy shape too.

    Again, almost perfect, and $100 cheaper than the Pro version at $250. I would rank this number 1 of these bags for me, but still not perfect.


    Kind of a whacky one, uses vacuum compression to suck the bag down, and it at least seems like it relies on that to get the actual quoted 48L capacity? I already compress my clothes a fair bit with a compression packing cube (again shout out to Peak Design), so the big vacuum bag in the center kinda just seems like it would get in the way for me, and I’m not sure how much it holds “normally” without factoring in that it says up to 50% more gear thanks to compression, so that would put it at about 31L? A bit small, and if that’s the case at 3.7 lb the weight is not great. But the water bottle holder and harness system both seem not that great as well. Laptop compartment with separate iPad stash though, just wish the compartment opened up fully. Interesting bag for the right person, but not for me.

    Tropicfeel Shell

    Really like the design of this one, and it’s on the lighter side at 3.3 lb. Water bottle holder looks good. Seems quite small for its claim of holding 40L, wish a channel would do the ol’ packing peanuts test but I couldn’t find any. It almost seems like it can only store 40L if you open/unroll the top fully but then your stuff is kinda exposed? Can sorta stow backpacks traps with a clever clip-across system. Wish the laptop compartment was fully separate so I could stow my day bag in there separately.

    Tom Bihn Synik

    No external water bottle holder, a bit small at only 30L. Harness system seems a bit minimal. Not much laptop padding and no iPad slot. Love how vacuous the bucket storage area looks though.

    Tom Bihn Aeronaut

    This looks pretty nice, uses its size really well at 45L, while still being just under 3 lb in some fabrics. Harness system seems kinda meh, with no hip belt or air channels for breathability. Also no laptop compartment at all is kind of a head scratcher. Tom Bihn’s institutional hatred of easy access to water will also perpetually vex me.

    ⭐️ Tom Bihn Techonaut

    45L, just under 3 lb (impressive). Has a padded laptop compartment, but no iPad compartment which is unfortunate. Seems like Tom Bihn is slowly inching toward a normal water bottle pocket with this one but it’s still (per reviews) annoying to get at. Has a hip belt which is nice, but harness system still seems a little anemic for a 45L bag, would love to at least see load lifters on the backpack straps. You can even stow them! Love the fabric and color options. Honestly with a normal water bottle holder, and a laptop compartment that zipped all the way open with an iPad holder this would be a compelling bag. 45L just feels slightly too big for me, would prefer in the realm of 40L. Also eye-wateringly expensive though at $430.

    ✨ Pakt

    Love the creativity and thought put into this bag, but for me a bit too organization heavy, and as a result also a hefty boy at 4.4 lb for the 45L version, or 4.1 lb for the 35L version. Also very expensive, and the water bottle holder looks dubious. I like that the bag is expandable or has room for a day bag, which would be nice for the 35L version to get a bit more space. Wish it had stowable backpack straps.

    Would love to see them produce a slightly more minimal version that’s a bit cheaper, and lighter while still retaining the half-and-half main compartment opening where you can put packing cubes on either side.

    Heimplanet Transit Line Travel Pack

    34L, okay weight at 3.6 lb. Doesn’t open fully clamshell, only about 2/3 of the way down if you want to open it “normally”, but if you remove the divider between the laptop compartment and main compartment it zips all the way, but then it’s one big compartment shared with the laptop, and the packing part is on the floppy side of the bag.

    Topo Designs 40L

    I like that the backpack straps are nicely stowable. No iPad holder in laptop compartment, which seems small overall and on the side. Has a tech compartment unfortunately, but I like that the inside is just a big bucket. Water bottle holder is external but looks quite tiny.

    Thule Aion

    I like this one a fair bit, 40L and a svelte 3.2 lb. I don’t love the exterior material (waxed canvas), and wish they went with something a bit more… normal? It looks like it breaks in weirdly per YouTube reviews. Love how it just has one massive compartment that opens horizontally, but I wish that the compartment on the “ceiling” of the main compartment didn’t have its own volume, which it appears to which can take away from the main “bucket”. Good water bottle holder. Not in love with the horizontal laptop compartment, but at least it has room for an iPad. If it was a fully zip-open compartment I could put a day bag in there too which would be nice, but as-is not sure where I’d put that. Has a nice small admin compartment/pocket thing at the top. Grab handles look pretty meh. No external compression straps which feels like a bit of a miss. No stowable straps.

    ⭐️ Thule Landmark

    40L, 3.2 lb, nice job Thule (same as Aion)! Nicer material than the Aion, but the weird helmet thing at the top is certainly a visual choice, and Pack Hacker still didn’t really find the material that durable. Stowable straps, okay harness system. Big cavernous bucket for storing items, with no other organization which is nice. Laptop storage is on the side (ehh) versus zipping all the way down, but does at least have a place for an iPad. I think a redo of this bag with better materials, getting rid of the funny helmet, and making a proper laptop compartment would make it pretty darn compelling.

    REI Rucksafe 40

    Pretty impressive bag. 40L, under $200, and 2.85 lb. Has an external water bottle holder. No padded laptop compartment is really meh though, so is the lack of iPad storage. Really don’t like that it zippers all the way open to the extent that the interior would only have 3 walls and stuff then spills out the top, and it also doesn’t zip all the way to the bottom of the bag. No stowable backpack straps.

    ⭐️ TomToc Navigator 40L

    40L, 2.65 lb, and $80 is kinda bonkers. That price is low enough that it’s almost concerning that the construction must be less well-made than other bags, but maybe TomToc just has some magic. OneBagTravels did call the material “mid tier”, which is expected for the price, but dang it makes me wonder what this bag could be like with X-Pac or something fancy. OneBagTravels also with the ol’ packing peanut test managed to fit 35L in before overstuffing it too much, so it might not be 40L exactly. I kinda like the minimal boxy look of it. Water bottle pockets are external and seem okay but decent when combined with the compression straps to really lock it in. Speaking of, compression straps seem solid. Laptop compartment zips all the way open, and has an iPad spot, nice! Harness system seems pretty meh though, no load lifters, no hip belt, no stowable straps, which sucks. Big cavernous main bucket area though which I love, it has the Tom Bihn Techonaut style opening where the zippers are a horseshoe slightly inset from the sides, which allows it to keep its shape nicely when opened up and empty (has a bit of the Minaal situation though where it would be nicer if the inside was a lighter color for better visibility). I would rank this number 3 currently, but would be a firm number 1 if the materials were better, and the harness system was upgraded. Here’s a great review.

    Kathmandu Litehaul 38

    Hard to tell but looks like the newer bag moved the water bottle holder so it takes up room inside the bag, bleh. Side laptop compartment (eh), with no iPad storage. Nice compression straps. Stowable backpack straps with a great harness system in general. Love how cavernous it is with minimal organization (yay). No real place to stow a daybag, maybe the “ceiling” of the main compartment but the zipper looks a bit small.

    Wandrd Prvke 41L

    Not a lot of reviews on this one so hard to tell a bunch (most reviews are geared toward it as a camera bag), but looks like a nice bag. 41L (46 with rolltop extended), and a firmly “okay” 3.7 lb. I think I’d prefer to see a less complex version without a rolltop and without the inner division pocket thing in the main compartment. Water bottle holder looks good. Wish laptop compartment was separate so I could shove a day bag in there too but it does have a nice iPad holder. Doesn’t really advertise stowable straps but looks like you could sorta fish the straps underneath the luggage passthrough and it would organize it a bit?

    ✨ Deuter AViANT Access 38

    Great harness system, fully stowable with hip belt and load lifters. Only concern is that it seems really big for a 38L pack, at 22" × 13.25" × 11" (56 × 34 × 28cm), normally 9" is the depth requirement for most airlines in North America. But it weirdly doesn’t seem super thick, maybe that’s just if you over pack it? 3.4 lb is a pretty good weight too. Good compression straps. Side laptop compartment is kinda meh, with no iPad compartment. There’s a weird lip at the top of the bag to prevent rain/theft, and it makes opening the zipper to the main compartment a bit annoying per reviews. Just a big ol’ simple bucket to store things in, which I love! No water bottle holder gets a resounding “boooo”, though.

    Timbuk2 Impulse

    Love how this looks, love how it’s just a big cavernous compartment. 45L is impressive, 3.7 lb is okay. Side laptop compartment is okay, no iPad storage though. But no external water bottle holder, straight to jail. Stowable straps though!

    Timbuk2 Wingman

    Also no external water bottle holder, come on Timbuk2! 38L, but a hefty 4 lb. Stowable backpack straps! Side laptop storage, no iPad storage. Love the cavernous inside. This bag confuses me, seems like a heavier version of their Impulse that holds less?

    ⭐️ Dakine Split Adventure 38L

    Confusing one because there’s different versions of this seemingly? From the one I saw, 38L, great size, and at an impressive 2.8 lb. Also love that it looks quite a bit like a backpack so it’s kinda “stealthy” versus some that look like a suitcase strapped to your back. As the name implies, it splits open horizontally into two compartments, the right side has a mesh cover, the left side has two mesh covers as it’s kinda split in two. That’s pretty nice, you can split your packing cubes to either side without much organization being imposed upon you. Wish the interior compression straps were removable though, I find those always just get in the way for me personally. Good water bottle holders, but it seems like a newer version might have got rid of them for side handles? That would be lame, as both are totally possible to have and both are very handy. No lockable zippers is kinda unfortunate. Stowable backpack straps with load lifters, but even though there appears to be a place to hide a hip belt, I don’t see one nor anywhere you could attach one. Laptop compartment opens all the way. Not a ton of reviews on this one but here’s a good one.


    Totally get why people love this, very iconic design, looks super well built. Just not my style visually, a bit too tactical, and they’re pretty hefty in weight (4.5 lb for the 40L).

    Waterfield X Air

    Pretty decent weight at 3.6 lb, with a 40L capacity. Water bottle holder looks a little concerning (Aer-TP3-like). Love the yellow interior, but don’t love the inclusion of the front admin compartment personally. Love that it opens horizontally like a suitcase rather than vertically, both are great but horizontal just feels even nicer. Overall not that many reviews of this bag so hard to tell a bunch.

    North Face Basecamp 35L

    Love the look, but really wish North Face toned down their branding. 3.5 lb and 35L is pretty decent, but the harness system seems kinda meh, no stowable straps, no hip belt. Admin compartment seems to take up a decent amount of volume. Laptop compartment doesn’t seem to have an iPad compartment. Love how it’s just one big compartment. Honestly would be a pretty great bag if it was a hair bigger, had a hip belt, and the laptop compartment opened all the way. Great price too.

    ✨ North Face Router 40

    2.9 lb, nice! Water bottle pockets don’t seem super well reviewed (they’re very big without much stretchiness so lots of water bottles will just fall out). Love the minimal front pocket. Wish it had stowable straps. Compression straps seem awesome. Laptop compartment opens pretty wide, not all the way down, but could probably shove a day bag in there easily, also has room for an iPad. Main compartment doesn’t open all the way which is really unfortunate. I’m almost doubtful it holds a full 40L somehow, wish a YouTuber would do a packing peanut test.

    Linus Tech Tips Backpack

    Not really a true travel backpack at only 26L, seems more geared as a personal item and seems great at that. Mostly including it here to preempt recommendations for it as a travel bag.

    Nomatic Travel Bag

    Aesthetics kinda don’t do it for me personally, looks a bit like a cooler which concerns me functionally too as the “hardshell” looking bags are typically the first that airline employees target when force checking bags. Good weight at 3.4 lb though at 40L capacity. No external water bottle holder.

    Alpaka Elements Travel Backpack

    Kinda seems like an Aer Travel Pack 3 style (even similar price) but slightly lighter (3.5lb versus 3.9lb) and with a better water bottle holder. Wish it ditched the admin compartment and then its 35L size would be pretty compelling. Looks weirdly tall though, I’d add an extra inch to the width, get rid of the admin compartment, and you’d be close to 40L and a hair lighter which would make for an awesome bag. I like that the laptop compartment opens pretty wide, but would be even better if it opened all the way to the bottom.

    Peak Design 45L

    4.5 lb make it a hefty one (the heaviest on this list?), makes sense given that it’s 45L which is a bit more than I’d want to gamble with on flights. Lots of great touches though, and dang do I love Peak Design’s packing cubes and Peak Design stuff in general, so I so wanted to love this. Probably the most innovative and simple way to hide the backpack straps too, since you can just quickly slide them under the back padding. Wish they did a 40L bag and made it lighter. Just too heavy.

    ✨ Cotopaxi Allpa 35

    3.5 lb, 35L. 42L version also available, and is 4.2 lb. Neither are great weight:capacity ratios, but not terrible. Some organization in the internal compartment, but not so much that it’s forced upon you, I think I could make it work. No big admin compartment either, just a small pouch at the top with some organization, but it’s maybe a bit too big. No external water bottle storage, and only side laptop storage but it does have an iPad compartment. Stowable shoulder straps is nice. Also just love their logo. A bit lighter and a better laptop compartment (zipped open all the way), with proper water bottle storage, and this would be really compelling.

    ✨ Bellroy Transit Backpack Plus

    No external water bottle pocket, straight to jail. Honestly would be a pretty compelling bag if not though, has just one big bucket and 38L. 3.3 lb is impressive. Can’t stow straps either. Doesn’t look like any iPad storage available.

    Fjallraven Travel Pack

    40L, 3.6 lb, not too heavy! Don’t really like the design visually, and I normally quite like Fjallraven stuff.

    ✨ Decathlon Forclaz Travel 500

    40L, 2.9 lb, well done! Very inexpensive too at about $100, that’s inexpensive enough that I’d honestly start to worry about material choices. Good water bottle holders, interior seems well thought out with some mesh organization but it’s very loosey goosey in a nice way, so you’re not stuck to their organizational system. Nice compression straps. Not a lot of reviews on this one though. No stowable straps from what I can tell, and side laptop compartment with no iPad storage. I like the look of this one visually.

    ⭐️ Eagle Creek Tour Travel Pack

    40L, 2.8 lb (nice!!). Stowable straps (similar to Osprey where it zips, but you can separately stow the hip straps). Nice compression straps. Opens horizontally into a big ol’ bucket, love the water bottle holder. Don’t love how dark the interior is, don’t love how the ceiling of the main compartment seems to have its own volume which takes away from the rest of the main compartment (gimme just a big ol’ bucket), don’t love the compression straps in the interior not being removable (I never use those and they just get in the way), and don’t love the laptop compartment which feels like a bit of an afterthought (no lockable zipper there either even), rain cover seems pretty bulky when stored and doesn’t seem fully removable. But those last things are nitpicks, I think they did a great job with this bag. Pretty great price at around $180 too.

    ✨ ULA Dragonfly

    Holy crap, 1.5 lb. Little on the small side at 30L though for the main interior area per tests like OneBagTravels, wish it was a smidge bigger. Really impressive looking bag given the weight, would love to see a 35-40L version of this bag.

    ⭐️ Patagonia Black Hole Mini MLC Travel Pack

    Well that’s a mouthful of a name! Seems to be just a massive pit that holds a full 30L which is awesome. Looks like an awesome water bottle holder. Don’t love that it has a mesh covering over the interior, so you have to unzip two things to get to it, or leave a thing just in perpetual flapping mode. No load lifters on the back though is kind of a bummer, but it does allow you to hide the backpack straps. Laptop compartment area also zips fully open and has a small iPad area. Wish it had better compression straps though.

    2.8 lb makes it even lighter than my Osprey Farpoint, and it even seems to have more side structure for easily packing things in.

    If this one was offered in a 35L or a 40L (the 45L is slightly too big and exceeds a lot of carry-on size limits for airlines I use) it’d basically be perfect. I would rank this number 2.


    I basically want a combination of the Tortuga Lite, Patagonia, TomToc, and Minaal. I saw a post on Reddit the other day where someone made their own really cool bag from scratch, while that’s undoubtedly an incredible difficult task that kinda sounds fun, maybe I’ll slowly try to learn that!

    If you have a bag recommendation that you think I might like and isn’t on this list hit me up on Twitter, Mastodon, or Threads!

  • A free, 3D printable Meta Quest 3 stand

    April 22, 2024

    A vertical, 3D printable Meta Quest 3 stand sitting on an oak desk with a monitor in the background

    People were really kind and seemed to enjoy my 3D printable Apple Vision Pro stand, a stand I designed in Fusion 360 with the goal of being visually appealing and compact as it stored the headset vertically so it wouldn’t take up too much space on your desk.

    Turns out there were quite a few folks requesting a similar style stand for their Meta Quest 3 so this weekend I set aside a bit of time to design such a variation, and I’m really happy with how it came out.

    Download link. It’s completely free to download, and consider giving it a boost by clicking the little purple rocket! It’s like when YouTubers ask you for a like, except in this case boosts give me a small credit toward a 3D printing accessory I’ve had my eyes on.

    Changes versus Vision Pro stand

    The Meta Quest 3 stand beside the Vision Pro stand, both holding their devices, on an oak desk with a monitor.

    The Meta Quest 3 has quite a few differences versus the Vision Pro so I redesigned the stand in some significant ways to better match the headset:

    • Spots for docking your controllers in the base. This both acts as a counterweight as the stand no longer has a need for a battery slot like the Vision Pro stand, and serves as a handy place to set your controllers. Set them down and they settle into the carved out grooves very satisfyingly
    • Top “pringle” that the headset rests on is slightly tweaked in width and height/amplitude to better nestle the Quest 3
    • So as to easily differentiate it form the Vision Pro stand if you have both side by side, I added a subtle design on the top pringle mimicking the Meta Quest 3’s front sensor array. Fun fact: it’s the exact same size and spacing!
    • Moved dowel/rod more toward center of stand, which allows for better compatibility with the Quest’s headband style
    • Removed cable organizer as there are no cables to organize!

    As before, you can use any kind of 3/4" (18.5mm) dowel to add a splash of customizability, from walnut to maple to copper to steel, or the download also just includes a 3D printable dowel.

    Hope you enjoy it! It’s a lot of fun learning Fusion 360, haha. The base’s size is unchanged from the Vision Pro’s and the pringle is very similar, so if you’re fortunate enough to have both a Vision Pro and Quest 3 both stands should look very nice next to each other.

  • Qi2 is kinda underwhelming

    April 20, 2024

    Using MagSafe for portable battery packs has so many niceties versus Qi1:

    • Increased communication with the device, allowing for better efficiency due to better thermal management and charging
    • Easily view the charge percentage of the external battery when first attaching it, and at any other point right from the OS
    • Reverse-wireless-charging, so if you charge your phone while the pack is attached, the phone will charge up first and then send energy to the battery pack
    • Magnets for better charging reliability (no vibrating off the small charging zone and waking up to a dead phone) and better efficiency (induction points are perfectly lined up), though this point is almost always mimicked in Qi1 battery packs

    Qi2 was supposed to be a glass of ice water to those in hell of Qi1, and I was hyped! Apple stopped making MagSafe battery packs themselves, and their old pack used Lightning instead of the newer USB-C, so I was excited to see third-parties bring MagSafe into the golden age of USB-C.

    The reality though is… kinda lame right now with most of those benefits not being a thing?

    Precursor: most “MagSafe” batteries are just Qi1

    Fred from Scooby Doo unmasking some person who has a disguise on that says 'totally legit MagSafe' and when the disguise is off it's revealed it's just Qi1 with a magnet

    So many magnetic battery pack makers say “MagSafe compatible” on the product page, which leads people to think they’re getting the more efficient charging of MagSafe as well as the extra functionality.

    The word “compatible” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, just indicating that the battery packs have a magnet in them and using just regular Qi1 charging. None of the actual MagSafe benefits are available. This means they’re kinda “dumb” and don’t communicate well with the host device, leading to hotter devices (and thus faster battery degradation) and lower efficiency due to energy loss as heat.

    “Just use cables!”

    Cables are much more efficient than wireless charging, so this sounds like a great idea until you try it, and going through an airport with cables dangling and potentially snagging on things is so, so much less convenient than just having a slightly thicker phone. I’d take a dip in efficiency for a massive increase in convenience, but if you can deal with cable charging while running around, I tip my hat to you.

    That being said, the battery cases of yesteryear were a nice middle ground.

    The only Qi2 battery pack is kinda lacking?

    Despite being announced last year, there’s still like… only one manufacturer offering Qi2 battery packs: Anker. The rest are still “coming soon”.

    Outside of only being offered in bulky sizes, Anker’s offerings seem to miss some of the biggest niceties of MagSafe, presumably through no fault of their own.

    Firstly, Qi2 battery packs seemingly don’t even support OS level battery status! I can only assume this is an omission on Apple’s part rather than Anker’s, and is hopefully fixed in the future, but that was one of the aspects of Qi2 I was looking forward to the most. All you get is a slightly larger indicator of the phone’s battery level, but not the pack’s. Being able to easily see the percentage of your battery pack when using the phone and connecting it is super handy.

    A minor one, but it also seems to get slightly warmer than Apple’s offering. Qi2 is supposed to also offer 15W of output whereas Apple’s battery was 7.5W, but Max Tech did a thorough review versus Apple’s old pack, and while it’s worth a watch, the tl;dw is that it seems to warm up quickly and slow down pretty considerably as a result (and be no faster than 7.5W).

    Lastly, there’s no reverse wireless charging like Apple’s MagSafe pack has, so if you’re charging your iPhone over USB-C and have the pack attached, the pack won’t charge. You’d have to plug the pack itself in, which would transfer more heat to the iPhone rather than the other way around with MagSafe (I’d rather have the cheap battery pack get hotter, rather than the expensive iPhone).

    Why Apple’s old pack is actually good

    Apple battery widget showing status of MagSafe battery pack'
    Credit: Apple

    Apple’s offering on paper seems pretty great: smaller than the competitors, and integrates perfectly with iOS, meaning you get more intelligent charging and power delivery (and a cooler device), and you can see the status of the battery right in the operating system.

    Two issues though: price/availability (at almost twice the competitors’), and the Lightning connector (in our beautiful new USB-C world, I do not want to be carrying a Lightning cable around anymore).

    The first one’s indeed tricky. As Apple’s is discontinued, they’re hard to find, and there’s a lot of counterfeit ones online and in local classifieds, so be careful.

    For the Lightning issue, the iPhone supports reverse wireless charging (Qi2 does not on iPhones as of April 2024), so if you plug in your USB-C iPhone with the pack still attached, it’ll charge up the battery after it’s done charging up the phone! No Lightning cable needed. In fact, even the new Qi2 batteries don’t support this, they only support plugging in the battery itself which charges the iPhone, which sounds fine, but the battery is the one inductively charging the iPhone, so the iPhone bears the brunt of the heat, rather than the other way around, which is less than ideal for battery health.

    Lastly, Apple’s is much thinner than the competitor’s offerings. Which is fine, I don’t need to double my battery life, I just want to extend it when I know I might otherwise be cutting it close by the end of the day.

    (Though one bonus for Qi2 battery packs is that they do support wired charging between the battery and iPhone though, unlike Apple’s, which would be a handy feature for charging faster in a pinch, but not a deal-breaker for me.)

    “Apple’s battery capacity is so small”

    There were some strange musings at the beginning complaining that Apple’s is only 1,500 mAh, while everyone else is 5,000 mAh, and that’s a perfect indication of why mAh is such a terrible unit for measuring batteries (the recent Vision Pro battery size story being another one). Battery capacity is a function of Amp-hours and crucially Voltage (multiply them together to get Watt-hours, an actual measurement of capacity), Apple’s battery uses twice the Voltage (7.6 V versus 3.7 V), so the actual capacities are 11 Watt-hours for Apple’s and 18.5 Watt-hours for others.

    Further, if you take the smallest previewed Qi2 case: Belkin’s 5,000 mAh option (available in Australia), it’s 17mm thick, where Apple’s is only 11mm.

    So Apple’s battery capacity being 40% smaller than Belkin’s (11 versus 18.5) kinda makes sense when you see that it’s because it’s 35% thinner.

    End notes

    All in all, maybe someone like Belkin will release their Qi2 and it’ll be faster, more energy dense, less hot than Apple’s, and have USB-C, but even then at least as of April 2024 it will still lack the super handy OS-level battery status, as well as reverse-charging. Maybe Apple will add those in iOS 18 and will be well in the world, or maybe Apple will surprise us all and release a new, USB-C MagSafe battery pack.

    (Also, my one criticism of all battery packs is they and the iPhone really need a magnet connection near the bottom too, right now the top-half is secure but the bottom half can just swing around. That part kinda makes me miss old school battery cases.)